Tech Radar



Languages & frameworks · Hold

Scala was introduced in Skai back in 2014. It was chosen as an additional formal programming language in our stacks due to its popularity, expressiveness, immutable and functional nature, and other benefits. The onboarding included training and workshops, nurturing subject-matter experts, and eventually, some teams started developing new services and libraries with Scala.

Since then, some things have changed: Scala's popularity subsided, recruiting became harder, the Scala knowledge within the company decreased, and we see that Java, our main stack, is adopting many of Scala's benefits. Unfortunately, this situation reduced our flexibility, increased the maintenance costs, and slowed our growth.

We will stop developing new services and components with Scala. The owning teams of existing ones will continue to maintain those until their EOL or migrated. Whenever a team is required to add a significant investment to its Scala component, they should consider alternative implementations, such as a Java module, a separate service, an AWS Lambda, etc.